Helen Chauhan 

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The short version:  

Wife, mother of 3, dog owner, nurse, MBA, healthcare executive, volunteer, entrepreneur, fun-runner and health coach.

The long version:  

I was born and raised in the UK and spent the first 20 years of my career in London as a nurse and later in a variety of healthcare management and leadership roles.  I juggled a busy full-time career with studying and raising 3 children.  I hated cooking and didn't have much time for it, so most of the food we ate was out of a packet.    By the time my husband accepted a job in Melbourne, Australia in 2006, I was gaining weight, chronically tired, suffering a variety of stress related ailments and ready to take a break.    

Since moving to Australia things have been different.  I still work, but I work for myself and as a volunteer.  I've changed the way I eat and learnt that most of what I thought I new about healthy eating was wrong.   I'm fit and I'm healthy and I've lost weight.  I've learnt how to make simple healthy meals that taste great; and I don't spend hours in the kitchen. 

I've reclaimed my health and I want to help other people do the same, so  I become a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  Now I work with people who, like me, want to feel good in their body and have the energy to enjoy life and stay well.